

UPDATED TRAVEL REQUIREMENT: Planning a visit to the Netherlands in 2021? Don’t forget these things!

The Government of the Netherlands has updated travel requirements for Indian travelers from August 14, 2021, as India has been removed from the list of Virus Variant Countries to the list of Very High-Risk Countries.

Indian nationals who require a visa for The Netherlands should contact the Dutch Embassy in New Delhi to apply and may expect their visas to be issued within 2 weeks.

The duration of stay granted is decided on a case-by-case basis. This is done at the discretion of the Immigration Unit of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol or other designated airports.

Educational institutions may request their invitational letters through the Visa Unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is done at the discretion of the Immigration Unit of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol or designated airports.

For Indian travelers who are currently in possession of an old Schengen visa, a visa sticker will be affixed to their existing Schengen visa ensuring their stay remains valid.

The following is a list of documents and information that Indian travelers planning to visit The Netherlands in 2021 should be aware of:

  1. There are no travel restrictions on women under 50 or children below the age of 18 years.
  1. Travelers from India can bring any amount of currency into The Netherlands up to €10,000. However, travelers who are in possession of over €10,000 will have to report this at the point of entry.
  1. The biometric data of Indian travelers will be recorded and stored for 6 years (in line with US standards). As such, special care needs to be taken with regard to facial hair. This is also applicable for Indian travelers who have already visited The Netherlands in the last 6 years.
  1. Travelers from India are only required to fill out an ETIAS (European Travel Information and Authorization System) online form prior to their travel date (rather than a visa application).
  1. Travelers should note that they will be expected to pick up their ETIAS travel authorization within 10 days in person at the Dutch Embassy. Travelers may bring any supporting documents but they are not required, such as a letter from their educational institution or employer.
  1. The same fee regime for visa stickers and visa on arrival will apply to Indian travelers as it did before August 14, 2018.
  1. No reports have been made of any health or security risks. There is no risk whatsoever to travelers from India in planning a visit to The Netherlands starting September 1, 2021, onwards. 

This can be used as knowledge for Indian government officials to help draft their own notice for Indian travelers (and others) who are planning or thinking of traveling to The Netherlands in 2021.

As of now, a pandemic doesn’t seem to be an imminent threat. But it is always good to stay prepared and informed about the world around you. If you are traveling abroad in 2021 or have family members that will be traveling overseas at this time, please make sure they know what precautions should be taken when visiting The Netherlands so as not to put themselves or others in danger. You can do your part by informing them on how they can protect themselves from getting infected with the contagious disease while also understanding their rights if detained due to suspicion of carrying an infectious illness during travel into The Netherlands.